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Greeting (Part I): Run a Task with an API Route

Continuing the quick start tutorial, we will now learn how to invoke a task with an actual trigger.

Learning Objective
  1. To create a data process and an API route trigger, and have the data process to read payload data from the trigger, parse the name and generate a greeting response.

  2. Learn how to pass data in and out of the session storage and cast them to user-defined data structures.

  3. Execute the data process as a task using the API route and view its execution result.

Data Process Design


#1GenericGreetingParse the name field from payload as a Person data structure and write it into the session storage.
#2AggregatorGreeting AggregatorGet Person from session storage and finalise the task result with a greeting message with the name.


TypeHTTP MethodPath
API RouteGET/tutorial/greeting

Task Payload

"name": "Arthur Dent"

Task Result

"status": "ok",
"taskId": "...",
"message": "Hello, Arthur Dent!"

Create and Build Logic

See: Create an Entry File and Build a Logic From an Entry File

Create and build two logic as you've learned in Quick Start.

Generic Logic: Greeting

The Person Parser (person-parser.*) generic logic is responsible for the following steps:

  1. Read the API route payload. Throw an error or Exception if it is not a HTTP payload from an API route.
  2. Parse the payload body to a Person object (with or without an explicitly defined type) containing only the name field.
  3. Write the Person object into the session storage.
import { LoggingAgent, SessionStorageAgent } from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

/** @param {import('@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk').GenericContext} ctx */
export async function run(ctx) {
// load payload
const payload = await ctx.payload();

// throw an error if payload is not from API route
if (!("http" in payload))
throw new Error("this logic requires HTTP payload");

// read payload body
const data =;

// try to parse body to JSON
let parsed = null;
if (data) {
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(data)));
} catch (e) {
`failed to parse HTTP payload to JSON: ${e.message}`,

// create Person object
/** @type {{ name: string; }} */
const person = {
name: parsed?.name || "User",
person: person,

// write Person into session storage
await SessionStorageAgent.putJson("person", person);

* @param {import('@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk').GenericContext} ctx
* @param {import('@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk').RailwayError} error
export async function handleError(ctx, error) {

Aggregator Logic: Greeting Aggregator

The Greeting Aggregator (greeting-aggregator.*) aggregator is similar to the one in Quick Start, except that it will

  1. Read the Person object from the session storage.
  2. Generate a task result containing a greeting message, which will include the name field of Person.
import {
} from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

/** @param {import('@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk').AggregatorContext} ctx */
export async function run(ctx) {
// read Person from session storage
/** @type {{ name: string; }} */
const person = (await SessionStorageAgent.get("person")) || {
name: "User",
};`person = Person: ${}`);

// finalise task result
status: "ok",
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey.taskId,
message: `Greetings, ${}!`,

* @param {import('@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk').AggregatorContext} ctx
* @param {import('@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk').RailwayError} error
export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// finalise task result with error
status: "error",
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey,
message: error.message,

Create Data Process

See: Create a Data Process

After creating and building both logic successfully, create a data process containing the People Parser and Greeting Aggregator logic.

Create API Route

See: Create an API Route

After creating the data process, create an API route with the following configuration:

API Route NameGreeting
Request ModeSync
Response Content TypeJSON
API TasksData Process Greeting (latest revision)

The full API route URL will be https://{LOC server}/tutorial/greeting that accepts POST Requests.

Invoke API Route

See: Invoke an API Route

After creating an API route, wait a moment for LOC to deploy it, then use a HTTP client to invoke the API route with the following JSON body (with Content-Type set to application/json if necessary):

"name": "Arthur Dent"

For example, using curl:

curl -X POST -d '{
"name": "Arthur Dent"
}' 'https://{LOC server}/tutorial/greeting'

The API route, once invoked successfully, should return a HTTP response that contains a body similar to below:

"_status": 200,
"_metadata": {
"executionId": "Ze_xtJgVmKhqc9rUqa5XEw",
"triggerType": "ApiRoute",
"triggerId": "52439ea1-50eb-40de-8012-3cb61d42d452",
"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-12T06:09:56.761490Z",
"completionTimestamp": "2024-03-12T06:09:57.412465Z",
"status": "Complete"
"data": {
"message": "Greetings, Arthur Dent!",
"status": "ok",
"taskId": "Aray_jJycub2NBrGB9Aabg"

The task responded to our input with a greeting message containing the name we've gave it.

View Trigger Response and Execution Result

See: Inspect an Execution Result

For viewing more detailed information of the execution, copy the execution ID (Ze_xtJgVmKhqc9rUqa5XEw) from the result above and use it to search the corresponding execution result in Studio.


Click API Route /tutorial/greeting to inspect the full execution result:


Click the icon behind Execution Result to inspect the response body, which is the same as the one we've received via the HTTP client:
