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Version: LOC v0.9 (legacy)

Tips on Error Handling

Learning Objective
  • To understand how logic handles errors by default.
  • To understand several ways to handle errors or debug in logic.

The tutorials is written for JavaScript and LOC Studio.

How Logic Handle Errors

In Logic and Session we've mentioned that each logic has a handleError() function for error handling. This is how it works:

  • LOC execute the run() function of a logic.
    • If run() runs without issues, execute the run() of next logic in line.
    • If run() throws an error, handleError() in the same logic will be called.
    • All handleError() of the rest of logic (including aggregator) will be called. The original error will be passed down all the way to aggregator.
LogicExecuted function
Generic #1run()
Generic #2run() ❌ error thrown! -> handleError()
Generic #3handleError() (error originates from #2)
...handleError() (error originates from #2)
AggregatorhandleError() (error originates from #2)

In other words, if one logic fails, the rest of the logic will fail. The error would be passed down along an error railway until it reaches the aggregator. This is to prevent a data pipeline causing more damage after something already went wrong. The task will still finish normally, but the result won't be about successful one.

Log and Execution History

Like we've seen in previous tutorials, we can use Logger Agent to log messages which can be read later in execution histories.

Since logs are very useful to trace how exactly logic in a data process has been executed or what results have been produced, it is a good practice to log as many as information and actions in your logic.

Report Error to Trigger with Result Agent

If you want to report the error directly back to the trigger user (as the task result), we can use Result Agent, which can also be used in handleError() to finalise a result containing the error:

Aggregator logic
import { ..., ResultAgent } from '@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk';

export async function run(ctx) {
// ...

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// finalise an error result
error: true,
errorMessage: error.message, // error passed down from other logic
stack: error.stack, // error stack (where did the error happened)
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey,
errorLogicId: error.logicPermanentIdentity, // PID of the logic that have error occurred
// any other session data you'd like to send

This way, if the trigger returns a response containing an error field, you'll know something had gone wrong.

Tip: report the logic name that the error have originated

Although RailwayError does not include the name of the logic that have error occurred, we can still look it up using the task metadata and report it to the finalised result:

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// look up the logic name
let errorLogicName = "";
for (let logic of ctx.task.executedLogics) {
if (logic.permanentIdentity == error.logicPermanentIdentity) {
errorLogicName =;

error: true,
errorMessage: error.message,
stack: error.stack,
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey,
errorLogic: {
name: errorLogicName,
permanentIdentity: error.logicPermanentIdentity,
revision: error.logicRevision,

So if a data process fails, you'll be able to tell which logic have failed from the task result itself before having to go through the whole execution history.


Since logic are actually executed in the LOC runtime, error.stack may points the error origin to the LOC runtime itself instead of the logic script. These error are most likely agent-related, so check the SDK reference to see if you missed anything.

One common errors are trying to pass a non-JSON object to Session Storage Agent or Logging Agent, which causes JSON parsing errors.

Also see Manually Throw an Error to Halt Data Process for how to improve the error content.

Handling Expected Errors

There may be situations that some errors are expected and are allowed be recovered. In this cases you can use JavaScript's try...catch...finally:

try {
// normal code (that might throw errors)
} catch (error) {
// handles error without triggering handleError()

// for example, log it with logging agent:
`an error ${} has occurred: ${error.message}, stack: ${error.stack}`,
} finally {
// optional; do something at the end no matter what

For example, querying a database might encounter problems like database failure or unstable connections:

let dbClient = null;

try {
dbClient = await DatabaseAgent.acquire("my-db-configuration");

const resp = await dbClient?.query(
"SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col_1 = ? AND col_2 = ?;",
["value1", "value2"],

// other database operations
} catch (error) {
// log error
`an error ${} has occurred: ${error.message}, stack: ${error.stack}`,

// handle error
// ...
} finally {
await dbClient?.release(); // release DB client wether or not there are errors

Since the error is intercepted, the data process will not fail if no other errors are thrown.

Pass Errors to Aggregator Using Session

We can still report errors even if we are handling them quietly with the data process runs without issues.

The following example stores a caught error in a session variable called errorResult and have it to be picked up in the aggregator:

run() in generic logic
try {
// normal code (that might throw errors)
} catch (error) {
// generate an error message
const errorResult = {
error: true,
errorMessage: error.message,
stack: error.stack,
logicType: "Generic",
logic: ctx.task.currentLogic,

// log error

// (over)write the updated err back to session
await SessionStorageAgent.putJson("errorResult", errorResult);
run() in aggregator logic
const errorResult = await SessionStorageAgent.get("errorResult");

if (!errorResult) {
// finalise a normal result
error: true,
errorResult: errorResult, // include errorResult to finalised result
taskId: ctx.task.taskKey,
// ...
} else {
// if error exist in session, finalise the error report

Bear in mind that run and handleError in the aggregator logic will run in different situations (whether or not there's an error passing down via the error railway).

Manually Throw an Error to Halt Data Process

Sometimes a certain error or user behavior is too severe to let go, and the data process has to be halted at all cost. You can deliberately throw an error to force the task fall back to the default handleError mechanism:

if (some_data == "some-invalid-value")
throw new Error(`error: some_data contains invalid value.`); // will invoke handleError() and make the task fail

You can also re-throw a caught error so that you can process it first, then embed the original error with additional descriptions:

try {
// ...
} catch (error) {
// create embedded error message
const err = `error: some_data contains invalid value. ${error.message}: ${error.stack}`;

// report the detail of the error to session

// re-throw the error
throw new Error(err);
} finally {
// (optional) things to do whether or not an error had been occurred