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Version: LOC v0.6 (legacy)

Tag and Unit

Tag and unit CLI commands.


loc tag|t

Tags can be set in tagNames fields in a data process's config.yaml. Tags will be automatically added to LOC if not existed.

List All Tags

loc tag list

List all tags in LOC with their ids.

Create a Tag

loc tag create <tag name>

Inspect a Tag

loc tag get <id> -v

Search Tags

loc tag search <search name>

Search tags. All tags that contains the name will be returned. (For example, search tag also returns tagname.)

Update a Tag

loc tag update <id> <new tag name>

Update a tag to a new name.

Delete a Tag

loc tag delete <id>


loc unit|u


For now, there is not yet possible to set units (similar to namespaces) for data processes.

List All Units

loc unit list

Create an Unit

loc unit create

Will prompt for unit name and description.

Inspect an Unit

loc unit get <id> -v

Update an Unit

loc unit update <id>

Will prompt for new unit name and description.

Delete an Unit

loc unit delete <id>