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HTTP Payload - JS/TS

The logic payload type when a task is invoked by an API Route trigger.

Class Reference


  • { http: HttpPayload } (one of the Payload type)

Sub Class Reference


Importable from @fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk

apiGatewayIdentityContextIdentityContextFor_UuidAPI gateway permanent ID and name
apiIdentityContextIdentityContextFor_UuidAPI route permanent ID and name
requestIdstringRequest ID
requestHttpRequestRequest content
source?Peer | nullRequest source
destination?Peer | nullRequest destination


idstringAPI gateway/route ID
namestringAPI gateway/route name


addressAddressSee below

Type Address is

socketAddr: {
address: string;
protocol: "tcp" | "udp";
} | {
pipe: {
mode: number;
path: string;


Data and metadata of the HTTP request.

hoststringRequest host name
pathstringAPI route/api/path
schemestringHTTP schemehttp, https
methodstringHTTP methodGET, POST, etc.
versionHTTP/0.9" | "HTTP/1.0" | "HTTP/1.1" | "HTTP/2.0" | "HTTP/3.0"HTTP version
headers{ [k: string]: unknown; }Request headers{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }
querystringquerystringparam1=value1 (no question mark; empty string if no querystring available)
datanumber[]Request body (empty array if not available)
info would be an Uint8Array array anc can be convert to string using Web API TextDecoder.


Parse Querystring

Assuming the querystring is


The parameters can be parsed using Web API URLSearchParams:

const payload = await ctx.payload();

const queryParams = Object.fromEntries(
new URLSearchParams(payload.http.request.query)

// get values (undefined if not exist)
const name =;
const age = queryParams.age;

// or
// const name = queryParams["name"];
// const age = queryParams["age"];

Parse HTTP Payload body to JSON

Assuming the HTTP request includes a body with the following JSON string:

"name": "Arthur Dent",
"age": 42,
"job": {
"title": "Sandwich-maker",
"salary": 0
"quotes": [
"Is there any tea on this spaceship?",
"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.",
"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?"
const payload = await ctx.payload();

const data = payload.http?;

let parsed;
if (data) {
parsed = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(data)));

// get values (unknown if not exist)
const name = parsed?.name;
const age = parsed?.age;
const title = parsed?.job?.title;

// or
// const name = parsed?.["name"];
// const age = parsed?.["age"];
// const title = parsed?.["job"]?.["title"];

const quotes = parsed?.quotes;
const firstQuote = quotes ? quotes[0] : null;
for (const quote of quotes) {
// ...