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Logic Error - JS/TS

If an unhandled error had been thrown in the task, an error object would be passed to the logic and all subsequential ones. The object is called a Railway Error.

Logic TypeAvailable
Generic logic✅ (handleError only)
Aggregator logic✅ (handleError only)

Import and Usage

The handleError function in a logic receives a error argument by default:

export async function run(ctx) {}

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// error is the railway error

Class Reference


  • RailwayError (extended from Error)


namestringError name
messagestringError message
stackstringError stack trace message
logicPermanentIdentitystringLogic permanent ID where error originated
logicRevisionnumberRevision of the logic where error originated


Refer to: Error


Get Error

const errorPid = error.logicPermanentIdentity;

const errorMessage = error.message;

const errorStack = error.stack;

Throw Error

throw new Error("oh no, not again.");

The error will be packaged as RailwayError by LOC runtime.