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Mail Agent - JS/TS

Send email to a email server.

Logic TypeAvailable
Generic logic
Aggregator logic

Mail Agent Configuration

See: Agent Configuration

A Mail Agent Configuration defines an external email server that will be allowed to be accessed from LOC runtime.

The Mali Agent requires a configuration reference name so that it can access the email server. The reference name can be added to a logic while creating or editing a data process.

Import and Usage

import {
} from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

export async function run(ctx) {
const mailClient = await MailAgent.acquire("mail-config-ref");
await mailClient?.send(
new Mail.Mail()
.setSubject("Mail subject")
.setBody("Mail body"),

export async function handleError(ctx, error) {
// ...

Class Reference


  • MailAgent

Method: Acquire Mail Client

async acquire(configurationName: string): Promise<MailAgentClient>
configurationNameMail Agent Configuration reference name

Acquire a Mail Client using a configuration reference name. Throws an error if the configuration cannot be found.

Mail Client


  • MailAgentClient

Importable from @fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk

Method: Send Mail

async mailClient.send(mail: Mail.Mail): Promise<any>
mailMail.MailEmail object

Send a email.


Mail is importable from @fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk

Describes an email. It has the following methods:

// required
setSubject(subject: string) // set the subject
setBody(body: string) // set the body
setSender(mail: string, name = '') // set sender address
setReceivers(mail: string, name = '') // add an receiver address

// optional
setReplyTo(mail: string, name = '') // set reply address
setCC(mail: string, name = '') // add a carbon copy address
setBCC(mail: string, name = '') // add a blind carbon copy address

All methods return the Mail Client itself so they can be chained.


If one of the following fields in the mail is empty, an error will be thrown:

  • sender
  • receivers (at least one)
  • subject
  • body

An email can have multiple receivers and reply/CC/BCC addresses. Name will be blank if not provided.


const mailClient = await MailAgent.acquire("mail-config-ref");

// mail body
const mail_body = `Nothing travels faster
than the speed of light,
with the possible exception of bad news,
which obeys its own special laws.`;

await mailClient?.send(
new Mail.Mail()
.setSubject("Mail subject")
.setSender("", "sender name")
.setReceivers("", "receiver 1 name")
.setReceivers("", "receiver 2 name")
.setReplyTo("", "reply name")
.setCC("", "cc name")
.setBCC("", "bcc name"),