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Version: LOC v0.8 (legacy)

Release Note

LOC v0.8 , as part of the ongoing effort focusing on better Studio/CLI synchronisation and logic modularisation, thus has brought some new major changes.

Release Versions

ComponentCurrent Version
Studio v1.3.0

Major New Features


New FeatureSummary
Improved Studio/CLI SynchronisationProjects, scenarios and data processes deployed from Studio and CLI are now synced.
Logic ModularisationLogic are now built and now deployed as reusable modules for data processes.
Refactored CLI WorkspaceSee Refactored CLI Workspace Structure.

Detailed List

  • Studio/CLI: logic are now built and deployed independently and to be added into data processes. This allows logic to be more reusable and in turn save development time.
  • Studio: the run() and handleError() functions in a logic created in Studio ("cloud logic") is now stored together, just like the logic created in CLI workspace ("source logic").
  • Studio: saves logic draft for cloud logic.
  • Studio: various improved or redesigned user interface, including the new logic and data process management features.
  • Studio: API route now uses projects (created for scenarios and data processes) as user's API route parent directory.
  • CLI: the project/scenario/data process structure is now fully synchronised in CLI workspaces.
  • CLI: the CLI executable binary is undergoing migrating from TypeScript to Rust with refactored commands and improved interactivity. The binary size is also cut down to only around 10~20 MB instead of 160+ MB.
  • CLI: refactored CLI workspace directory structure to adopt the same project/scenario/data process hierarchy in Studio.
  • SDK: HTTP Agent (with related Tutorial) examples are now switched to fetch API.

Refactored CLI Workspace Structure

This is a breaking change for CLI even though logic code are mostly unaffected as in the previous release.

The workspace structure in CLI v0.8.0 is refactored to reflect the changes of synchronisation and modularisation:

Workspace structure is synced to Studio; the metadata of logic and projects/scenarios/data processes are now separated:

/[CLI workspace directory]
projects.yaml <-- metadata of projects, scenarios and data processes
logic-manifest.yaml <-- metadata of logic

Since CLI v0.8.0 binary is in the process of porting from TypeScript to Rust, it does not support the following features which was available in v0.7.0:

  • Tags and units
  • Triggers (API route, message queue and scheduler)
  • Agent configuration
  • Single data process execution
  • Local simple runtime
  • License

Related docs and references are also removed. We expect to add them back in the following releases.

What's New in LOC-Doc?

  • Adds docs for Core/CLI/SDK v0.8.x and Studio v1.3.x.
  • Re-written Quick Start with API route/execution history moved to Tutorial.
  • Adds LOC Features Overview in Tutorials
  • Tutorial logic examples are more modularised and hence more reusable. Some of the logic examples can also be found in Logic Module Library.
  • Switch to using Hoppscotch as HTTP clients in the docs.
  • Studio Guide page adjustments to reflect updated Studio interfaces.
  • Logic and other major resources are split to separate pages.
  • SDK TypeDoc docs (auto-generated from SDK) is removed (including v0.7.0) due to changes in SDK rendering incompatibility to TypeDoc.
  • Various improvements and fixes.
  • Logic Code Generator - an experimental template tool for developing logic.