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Add Extra Local Data Services

It is possible to add extra local data storage services in the Local Simple Runtime. A containerized test environment is great for testing and can be deleted at any time. These services can also be accessed directly via instead of host.docker.internal.

Agent Configuration

CLI commands for managing agent configurations (HTTP, database, file storage and mail).

Agent Configuration

Agent Configuration is part of the administration panel for creating and managing secrets for the following agents in SDK:

Context and Task

Data Context is an object injected into logic functions at runtime, which containes some key components:

Data Discovery

Data Discovery is the data/metadata catelog for browsing assets and logs in LOC Core:

Database Agent

Connecting external databases with built-in drivers. Currently the following databases are supported:

Deploy API Route

API routes is one of the trigger features that can be deployed and managed from CLI, which make data processes RESTful-like.

Deploy MQ Client, Pub and Sub

Message queue clients, publishers and subscribers together are one of the trigger featuures that can be deployed and managed from CLI.

Deploy Scheduler

Scheduler - schedules and scheduled jobs - together are one of the triggers that can be deployed and managed from CLI.

Emit and Inspect Events

LOC data events allows users to generate a data flow or data trail to indicate who have sent and received data. These information can be very useful for two reasons:

HTTP Agent

For sending HTTP requests to specific hosts.


LOC SDK is a downloadable NPM package that defines the interfaces of data context as well as agents - a series of features provided by LOC's logic runtime that can read and/or write internal and external storages.


LOC Studio is the web-based graphical user interface for LOC Core. Thanks to its highly-interactive Reack framework and UI/UX-driven design, Studio is intuitive to use and doesn't need a lot of walkthrough to learn. You've probably already used most of it in Quick Start and Tutorials.

Introduction and Setup

LOC CLI is the dedicated command line tool for developers to create data processes/other assets and deploy/manage them remotely in LOC. Combined with TypeScript support, local runtime and powerful IDEs like Visual Studio Code, CLI makes coding and debug much easier than doing so in LOC Studio.

Local Storage Agent

For sharing data between tasks of one data process, which can stay persistent for a period of time.

Logic and Session

Logic are the core elements of a data process. They contains the implementation of a data pipeline (which may be part of a bigger one). And the session storage is the thing to link them up together.

Logic Variable Agent

Read a local environment variable (not to be confused with local storage data or secrets in agent configurations). These variable can be set via Studio or CLI, which are useful for configuring a data process' behavior without modifying the logic code.


Payload is the data sent by triggers as initial input and is accessible from the context object. Currently there are two payload types:

Quick Start

This quick start will go through a tutorial of building a simple "Hello World" data process in LOC Studio using JavaScript.

Release Note

LOC v0.7 has brought new features and improvements since v0.6.0, including breaking changes on SDK.

Result Agent

Finalise a JSON object as the result data. If the trigger is synchronized API route or message queue, it will be returned to the trigger, otherwise stored in LOC to be retrieved later.

Single Data Process Execution

If a data process is deployed, it can be run without using triggers (or rather, a simulated API route). This is exactly the same as using the Execution function in Studio.

Source Control with Git

Although CLI does not offer version control, you can use Git to upload data processes to a Gitbub repository and shared with other team members.

User Management

User management is a KeyClock service with a seperate endpoint; please consult FST Network for the actual link and information.

Using Local Simple Runtime

Local Simple Runtime is a Docker-based LOC local developing environment. It offers the following benefits: