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Version: LOC v0.6 (legacy)

Mail Agent

Sending emails with a SMTP server.


  • ✓ Generic logic
  • ✗ Aggregator logic

Connect to SMTP Server

async smtp?.connect(host: string, username?: string, password?: string): Promise<SmtpAgentHub>

Connect to a SMTP server. Returns a SmtpAgentHub object.

hoststringSMTP server address
usernamestring(Optional) SMTP user name
passwordstring(Optional) SMTP user password
portnumber(Optional) SMTP server port (465, 25 or 587). Default: 465.
secureConnectionSmtp.SecureConnection(Optional) Secured connection mode


NoneNo encryption
Wrapper(default) TLS wrapper connection; usually on port 465
RequiredStart with insecure connection and use STARTTLS; usually on port 587
OpportunisticStart with insecure connection and use STARTTLS when available

Import Smtp

JavaScript users can access Smtp via Saffron.Smtp:

const Smtp = Saffron.Smtp;

TypeScript users can import it from @fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk:

import { ..., Smtp } from "@fstnetwork/loc-logic-sdk";

Example (default)

// import Smtp as above

// connect to smtp (TLS wrapped connection on port 465)
const mailClient = await ctx.agents.smtp?.connect(
"", // host
"", // username (mail)
"******", // password

Example (with custom port and secured connection)

// import Smtp as above

const mailClient = await ctx.agents.smtp?.connect(
587, // port
Smtp.SecureConnection.Required, // TLS mode

Mail Client

async mailClient?.send(mail: Smtp.Mail)

Send an email.


// connect to SMTP...

// mail body
const mail_body = `Nothing travels faster
than the speed of light,
with the possible exception of bad news,
which obeys its own special laws.`;

// get a new mail object
let mail = new Smtp.Mail();
// required fields
.setSender("", "sender name")
.setSubject("Mail subject")
.setReceivers("", "receiver 1 name")
.setReceivers("", "receiver 2 name")

// optional fields
.setReplyTo("", "reply name")
.setCC("", "cc name")
.setBCC("", "bcc name")

// end of mail object

// send the mail
await mailClient?.send(mail);

You can omit the second name parameter in setSender, setReceivers, setReplyTo, setCC and setBCC